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Improvement and Management of Water Environment and Master Plan

In order to improve the water quality and make a hospitable water environment, EPA has impelled “Water Quality and Environmental Improvement and Management Program” from 2012 to 2017(called “Program” for short) to upgrade the living-environment-quality.. The scope of this project contains collecting the previous research data and results, estimating the strategies and methodologies to reach the water quality target in the Program, and planning the future schedule and execution strategy of the Program, investigating the result of “River and sea water quality maintenance and improvement project (phase II)” and “Important Wetlands in Taiwan” to manifest the achievements of the government. In order to focus the resource to execute river pollution control work and to evaluate the improvement of water quality of river, the project analyze last 5 years data to pick up 11 primary rivers, adopt different annual strategies and schedules by different priority sections and different source of pollution. The related strategies of river pollution control include sewer construction, operation of sewage interception systems, on-site treatment facilities of dry weather flow, inspection of industrial wastewater of the environmental. Also, advanced technologies, low impact development and decentralized waste treatment systems would be considered to estimate the effect of river pollution control in primary rivers. The progress meetings are often held to review the outcome on each phase of the pollution remediation by utilizing a rolling management. The results of project, which are operation strategies of interception system, setup criteria of decentralized waste treatment, and additional benefit evaluation of on-site treatment facilities, will also be issued to government for reference.In addition, to improve the public understanding of government environmental policy, a manual would be made, the content include results of “river and sea water quality maintenance and improvement project (phase II)” , river pollution control results in city and on-site treatment data, to manifest the performance of the government.
River Restoration;Pollution Reduction;Restoration Performance Assessment